At St Mary Cray Primary Academy, it is our aim that each child should develop a positive and enthusiastic attitude to Science. We strive to inspire pupils with an interest in Science and cultivate an appreciation of its contribution to all aspects of everyday life.
Science Statement
At the Spring Partnership, it is our aim that each child should develop a positive and enthusiastic attitude to Science to cultivate pupils’ enjoyment and interest in Science and an appreciation of its contribution to all aspects of everyday life, today and in the future. Each child will become more aware of and able to use scientific approaches and methods. Children will be given opportunities to develop their scientific understanding of the world and their skills of investigation, including, observation, measuring, predicting, hypothesising, experimenting, fair testing, communicating and interpreting.
We strongly believe the best way to learn about Science is through hands-on investigation, so children can develop their understanding of the nature, processes and methods of science through a range of scientific enquiries that can help them to answer questions about the world around them.
Where possible we will encourage children to take an active lead in their learning, posing and finding ways of answering their own questions. Children will be given the opportunity to develop a set of attitudes which will promote scientific ways of thinking, including open-endedness, perseverance, objectivity and recognition of the importance of teamwork. Children will gain an awareness of environmental issues to enable them to become responsible citizens who can make informed life choices.
Through the Kent Primary Science scheme, we follow the Department for Education' s National Curriculum programmes of study for Key Stages 1 and 2, details of which are published on the DfE's website:
Throughout their time at St Mary Cray Primary Academy, pupils will develop scientific skills and knowledge through scientific enquiry and investigation and will have the opportunity to use a variety of approaches to answer relevant scientific questions. These approaches include, observing over time; pattern seeking; identifying, classifying and grouping; comparative and fair testing (controlled investigations); and researching using secondary sources. We strongly believe the best way to learn about Science is through hands-on investigation and, when possible, children following their own lines of enquiry.
Our Science curriculum also aims to ensure pupils are aware of current environmental issues to enable them to become responsible citizens who can make informed life choices.
At St Mary Cray Primary Academy, children have weekly science lessons. The whole school takes part in a science quiz each Monday morning before going into their own Year group specific lessons.