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Pupil Leadership

Pupil Voice.
The children in our school are the most important people! As such, they have lots of opportunities to share their thoughts on school issues – both formally and informally, Mr Jamieson’s door is always open for both children and adults!


School Council 
The main aim of the School Council is to help to make our school a better place for the children and to give us an opportunity to have their opinions and ideas heard. Each class from Year Two upwards has two representatives who are elected every year.

Our Council meet to discuss what their class' opinions are and to suggest ways that the school can improve how we work and what is offer to children.

The class representatives tell the children in their classes what has been discussed at each meeting and the children can ask the representatives to take forward their ideas to the next meeting.


Anti-Bullying Squad

The anti-bullying squad has the aim of ensuring that all children feel safe and happy in school.  This includes inside the school the building and while on the playground.  They are play leaders and friendship ambassadors.  


We also have children supporting in the following roles:

  • Lunch time hall helpers
  • Litter picking
  • School tidying
  • Library helpers
  • Child appropriate admin support
  • Play time reading buddies
  • PTA events
  • End of play time tidying
  • Visitors
  • Lost property
  • School grounds / gardening
  • OPAL


Junior Cray Forum

This is a group of 4 children from year 5 who work alongside Midfield Primary School, Leesons Primary School and Poverest Primary School to engage in local community projects to protect the future of the area.


Junior Travel Ambassadors

Children in year 4 and 5 are chosen to be ambassadors for the school to support children travelling safely to and from school, and support with how we travel when outside of school.  Projects and competitions are coordinated across the borough.