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Learning in Year 2

Autumn 1


At St Mary Cray Primary Academy we follow Maths Mastery. As part of this all aspects of maths will first be taught using concrete materials, then progressing onto pictorials and finally using abstract methods. This has been shown to be a fantastic method of building solid and secure mathematical understanding. Once this understanding is secure, children learn how to problem solve and reason.

In the first half-term, the children will concentrate on securing a good understanding of place value and number. Pupils will learn to partition numbers into ten and ones, order and compare 2-digit numbers and use different methods to add and subtract numbers.


In English, our chosen text for this half-term is 'Lila and the Secret of Rain'.

Children will be writing for a range purposes such as, retelling the story, reading and composing poetry, and creating instructions.  Children will be taught to include a range of features including;

Capital letters / Finger spaces / Full stops, exclamation marks, question marks, inverted commas, commas/ Expanded noun  phrases / Similes / Adverbs / Conjunctions / Adverbials of time / Prefix and suffix words / Apostrophes / Joined handwriting

The best way to support your child with their writing is to encourage them to read at home and to practise spelling the Year 2 Common Exception Words.


In Year 2, reading is taught daily. During the half-term the class will continue to blend and segment words using phonics through the Read Write Inc programme.

Each child is issued with a home reading journal and book, which should be read, signed off, and returned to school. To comply with health and safety guidelines during the pandemic, four books will be sent home with the child's reading record on Monday to be returned to school on a=the following Friday. Home reading is a hugely beneficial way of supporting your child's learning across the curriculum.


Our topic is Animals including Humans. In this topic, children will:

  • Notice that animals, including humans, have offspring which grow into adults
  • Find out about and describe the basic needs of animals, including humans, for survival (water, food and air)
  • Describe the importance for humans of exercise, eating the right amounts of different types of food, and hygiene.

History and Geography

In Geography this half-term we will orienteering and learning to use maps. We will be using and drawing maps in our school grounds and local area.