School re-opens to ALL children
St Mary Cray Primary is open to ALL children for the start of the new academic year - Tuesday 1st September 2020.
St Mary Cray Primary is open to ALL children for the start of the new academic year.
Government guidelines have confirmed that ATTENDANCE IS COMPULSORY as schools reopen after the summer break. Therefore, we expect ALL children are expected to attend school unless ill with medical evidence. Parents who do not send their child/ren into school will be referred to the Educational Welfare Officers and receive penalty fines.
Children return dates:
Tuesday 1st September - Years 1 - 6
Monday 7th September - Reception (phased timetable)
School times:
To aid social distancing we are continuing with our soft start and introducing a soft finish to the end of the day. Please see the times below, and arrange a suitable time for collection to avoid gathering and congestion.
Morning Arrival 8:30 - 8:55am
Afternoon Collection 3:00 - 3:30pm
Please do not gather on the playground. Parents not following social distancing guidelines will be asked to leave the premises.
Please see the attached for more information.